Eric Church Concert Ticket Giveaway at LDF Country Market

Coming up September 14th, Eric Church is coming to the Resch Center in Green Bay. Coyote 93.7 FM is putting on a promotional drawing at LDF Country Market to win tickets and other great prizes. So fans of Eric Church need to read the rest of these instructions!

How Do You Qualify To Win?
Stop at one or both live broadcasts Friday August 2 (11am-1pm) and Friday August 30, 2019 (11am-1pm) at the LDF Country Market (501 Old Abe Road, Lac du Flambeau) and sign up for a chance to win. All entrants that sign up at a live broadcast are qualified into a general drawing to take place at the LDF Country Market in Lac du Flambeau at 1pm on Friday August 30, 2019.

Entrants may sign up for a chance to win at both live broadcasts at the LDF Country Market. The winner of the ticket giveaway will receive 2 tickets to see Eric Church on September 14 at the Resch Center in Green Bay, Wisconsin in general seating, along with $100.00 in cash.

There will be No on air qualifying for this concert sign up. You must be 18 to qualify. No purchase is necessary. Maximum of two (2) qualifications per person. All General Contest Rules also apply to this or any contest on Coyote 93.7.